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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Upravljavec osebnih podatkov v zvezi s spletnim mestom ter vašimi drugimi interakcijami z organizacijo MI-Elektronika d.o.o. je:

MI Elektronika d.o.o.
IOC Zapolje I 15a
SI-1370 Logatec, Slovenija
Matična številka: 2302349000
Davčna številka: SI 59375736
elektronski naslov:
spletno mesto:
(v nadaljevanju: “organizacija” oz. “podjetje”)

V naši organizaciji pooblaščena oseba za varstvo osebnih podatkov še ni bila imenovana. Vsa vprašanja, zahteve, poizvedbe in druga sporočila, ki so vezana na področje varovanja osebnih podatkov v naši organizaciji, lahko naslovite na:


Namen in uporaba tega obvestila

To obvestilo opisuje kako naša organizacija obdeluje osebne podatke posameznikov, ki so ji svoje osebne podatke zaupali neposredno kot upravljavcu osebnih podatkov v povezavi s spletnim mestom (npr. pri nalaganju piškotkov ob obisku spletnega mesta, pri izpolnjevanju in oddaji kontaktnega obrazca, ipd.).

Use of terms and changes to this notice

Unless otherwise stated, terms that appear in this notice (e.g. personal data, processing, controller, processor, etc.) have the same meaning as in the GDPR regulation.​

The phrase website or website means and includes all associated sub-sites and connected servers and systems.

It is considered that strengthened or defined terms in this notice (e.g. individual), which are otherwise written in the singular, also include the plural and vice versa, and terms written in one gender include all genders (e.g. individual).

The information and statements in this notice may be updated or changed from time to time, and news of major changes will be published on our website.

In case of significant changes (e.g. regarding the legal bases and purposes of processing already collected data), we will inform individuals about the proposed changes via email or in another suitable way.

​1. Overview of the collections and types of personal data, the category of individuals to whom the personal data relate, the expected deadlines for the deletion of personal data and the legal basis for processing and the purposes and types of processing

1.1. Processing table





Data of individuals who have signed up to receive informational electronic messages from the organization

Until the purpose of processing individual personal data for which the data was collected expires (e.g. until the end of communication), or until the expiration of 4 years from the last communication with the individual.

Data about the individual who communicates with the organization via email addresses and other communication channels available on the website - Name and/or surname of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Possible email address of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Possible telephone number of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Any personal data included in communication with an individual Personal data of an individual who voluntarily communicates with the organization (e.g. inquires about the organization's services, arranges to visit the branch via the published email address or contact form, etc.). Until the purpose of processing individual personal data for which the data was collected expires (e.g. until the end of communication) or until the expiration of 4 years from the last communication with the individual.
On the basis of negotiations for the conclusion of a contract (i.e. obtaining information about or ordering a service or other voluntary communication of an individual with an organization in this regard), the organization may process data in ways that are logically connected to negotiations regarding the implementation of the object of the service or preparation of a response (e.g. storage in the system for sending electronic messages for the purposes of response and possible further communication, storage of data in the organization's archive, etc.).

Personal data of an individual who voluntarily communicates with the organization (e.g. inquires about the organization's services, arranges to visit the branch via the published email address or contact form, etc.).

​Data about an individual who communicates with the organization via electronic addresses and other communication channels available on the website

- Elektronski naslov posameznika

​Personal data of an individual who has consented to the organization periodically sending him information, advice and other useful information regarding the organization's services to his email address.

​Until you unsubscribe from receiving electronic communications, whereby the unsubscribe link is contained in each electronic message.
*Logout or The individual can always request the deletion of data by sending the request to the organization's official email address:

Data of individuals applying for a vacant position in the organization

- Name and surname of the candidate
- Candidate's email address
- Curriculum vitae, motivation letter, information on past work experience or other data that are important for the selection process and are stated as such when the vacancy is announced

- Any personal data contained in email correspondence with such an individual

Personal data of an individual applying for a vacant position in the organization.

Do zaključka zaposlitvenega postopka, v kolikor organizacija ni od posameznika pridobila izrecnega soglasja za daljšo hrambo podatkov. 


Data about the individual who communicates with the organization via email addresses and other communication channels available on the website - Name and/or surname of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Possible email address of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Possible telephone number of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Any personal data included in communication with an individual Personal data of an individual who voluntarily communicates with the organization (e.g. inquires about the organization's services, arranges to visit the branch via the published email address or contact form, etc.). Until the purpose of processing individual personal data for which the data was collected expires (e.g. until the end of communication) or until the expiration of 4 years from the last communication with the individual.
On the basis of negotiations for the conclusion of a contract (i.e. obtaining information about or ordering a service or other voluntary communication of an individual with an organization in this regard), the organization may process data in ways that are logically connected to negotiations regarding the implementation of the object of the service or preparation of a response (e.g. storage in the system for sending electronic messages for the purposes of response and possible further communication, storage of data in the organization's archive, etc.).

Data about the individual who communicates with the organization via email addresses and other communication channels available on the website - Name and/or surname of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Possible email address of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Possible telephone number of the individual who communicates with our organization

- Any personal data included in communication with an individual Personal data of an individual who voluntarily communicates with the organization (e.g. inquires about the organization's services, arranges to visit the branch via the published email address or contact form, etc.). Until the purpose of processing individual personal data for which the data was collected expires (e.g. until the end of communication) or until the expiration of 4 years from the last communication with the individual.
On the basis of negotiations for the conclusion of a contract (i.e. obtaining information about or ordering a service or other voluntary communication of an individual with an organization in this regard), the organization may process data in ways that are logically connected to negotiations regarding the implementation of the object of the service or preparation of a response (e.g. storage in the system for sending electronic messages for the purposes of response and possible further communication, storage of data in the organization's archive, etc.).
Data of individuals who have signed up to receive informational electronic messages from the organization - Electronic address of the individual
Personal data of an individual who has consented to the organization periodically sending him information, advice and other useful information regarding the organization's services to his email address.
Until you unsubscribe from receiving electronic communications, where the unsubscribe link is contained in each electronic message.
*Logout or The individual can always request the deletion of data by sending the request to the organization's official email address:
Based on the consent obtained, the organization may process the data (i.e. store and use in connection with the system for sending electronic messages) exclusively for the purpose of providing information, advice and other useful information regarding the organization's services.

​On the basis of negotiations for the conclusion of an employment contract, the organization may process data (i.e. collect, store for the duration of the selection process, review, structure) and otherwise use meaningfully exclusively for the purposes of the employment process (e.g. evaluation of the individual's references and communication with him about the course of the employment process , use of data to view other publicly available data about an individual, etc.).

​*In certain cases, which are based on its legitimate interests, the organization claims the right to keep certain data longer than the stated deadlines (e.g. in the case of an inspection procedure in connection with the service/sweepstakes/form), whereby the organization will in all such cases, limited the storage of data to those data that are necessary for the pursuit of such legitimate interest. An individual can always request the deletion of data by sending the request to the official email address:

** In connection with the overwritten purposes (e.g. data storage), the data may be forwarded for processing to the organization's contractual partners (subprocessors), which are listed in chapter 3.3. of this notice. Sub-processors can process data only in connection with the performance of the tasks assigned to them and which are directly related to the purposes pursued.

​1.2 The legal basis for the processing of personal data may lie in the fulfillment of a concluded contract or negotiations for the conclusion of a contract

Osebne podatke posameznikov lahko obdelujemo na podlagi sklenjene pogodbe (npr. izvedba storitve v naši poslovalnici) oziroma pogajanj za sklenitev pogodbe (npr. kadar posameznik preko naših uradnih komunikacijskih kanalov in želi pridobiti več informacij o naših storitvah). 

V opisanih primerih nam osebne podatke zagotovite kot del pogodbene obveznosti oziroma kot del pogajanj za sklenitev pogodbe, pri čemer za nadpisane obdelave vaših osebnih podatkov posledično ne potrebujemo vaše izrecne privolitve.

Načeloma ne boste trpeli nobenih resnih negativnih posledic v situacijah, ko bi sicer potrebovali vaše osebne podatke za izvršitev naših storitev in nam teh podatkov ne boste zagotovili. Takšne situacije pa lahko sicer bistveno otežijo ali celo onemogočijo izvršitev naročenih storitev oziroma naše sodelovanje, pri čemer boste v teh primerih o tem predhodno oziroma naknadno obveščeni.

1.3. Pravna podlaga za obdelavo vaših podatkov je lahko tudi zakon

In the organization, we also process personal data for the purposes of fulfilling legal and other regulations, especially those governing taxes and accounting (e.g. records of issued and received invoices, etc.), e.g.:

when an inspector or other holder of public authority instructs the organization to entrust him with the personal data of a certain customer / visitor in accordance with the law (e.g. in the context of carrying out an inspection according to the provisions of the Inspection Inspection Act (ZIN),

when the organization processes the personal data of the customer to whom it has issued an invoice, the organization processes this invoice and data about the customer (e.g. personal name, contact information, etc.) on the basis of the Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1) (see chapter 3.2 .), etc.

1.4. Based on the organization's legitimate interests

We may also process certain personal data for the purposes of securing our own legitimate interests. Such a case is, for example, when the processing of your data would be necessary, for example, from the point of view of administrative, criminal or civil proceedings (e.g. when the organization would have to submit the database as evidence in the proceedings, otherwise the organization would suffer a penalty or the occurrence of serious and irreparable damage ), whereby in such cases we will always process only those data that are absolutely necessary for the pursuit of such legitimate goals.

The organization may process an individual's personal data even in cases where the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the individual (e.g. insight into the address of an individual who is in immediate and serious danger to his or her life).

1.5. Based on the consent obtained

Cooperation with us and the use of the organization's services are not, in principle, conditioned on the fact that you consent to the processing of personal data.

Nevertheless, we can also process your personal data in organizations based on your express consent (i.e. consent). The individual's voluntary declaration of will by which he agrees to the processing of certain personal data for a specific purpose (e.g. your consent to receive our informational messages) is considered the express consent of the individual, whereby in such cases we process the data listed in the section of the table from point 1, where it is indicated that the processing is based on consent.

This type of communication can be canceled at any time by following the link contained in each such email, or by contacting us at

On the basis of your consent, our online advertising can also be carried out, if you have consented to the installation of optional (advertising) cookies and tracking pixels from our advertising partners when visiting our website (e.g. installation of the Google Analytics cookie, which enables us to more easily we also advertise our services on other websites, etc.). A detailed list of optional cookies from our advertising partners, the data we process with them and the retention period for this data is defined on the "Cookies" subpage.

The organization guarantees the individual the right to revoke their explicit consent at any time in a simple way, i.e. by contacting us at at any time.

Revocation of consent does not affect the legality of the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent until the moment of revocation.

In the event that you do not give your consent to the processing of personal data, give your consent partially or revoke your consent (partially), we will, as far as possible, cooperate with you only to the extent of the given consent or in the ways permitted by the applicable legislation. Consent is voluntarily and if you decide that you do not want to give it, or if you cancel it later, this does not in any case reduce your other rights or represent additional costs or aggravating circumstances for you.

2. How long do we store or process your personal data?

The retention period of personal data depends on the basis and purpose of processing each category of personal data. As a general rule, personal data is kept as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected, or as long as some regulation requires that we keep it, and then it is deleted.

If the retention period of individual data is not more precisely defined in the table of chapter 1, the following applies:

  • Data related to the concluded contract or providing our services and issuing invoices. Until the retention period expires or the purpose of processing individual personal data is fulfilled, whereby the organization can generally keep the data for 6 years after the end of cooperation or even longer (e.g. account data), whereby the personal data of subscribers on the accounts is kept for another 10 years, since such the duty is imposed on the organization by the Value Added Tax Act (ZDDV-1),

  • Data about an individual who communicates with the organization via electronic addresses and other communication channels available on the website are kept until the purpose of processing individual personal data for which the data was collected expires (e.g. until the end of communication) or until the expiration of 4 years since the last communication with the individual.

  • Based on your express consent to marketing communication or our legitimate interest in advertising to people who are already our customers, we keep the data until the person revokes their consent.

  • Data of individuals who apply for a vacant position in the organization, whereby the data is kept until the end of the employment process, unless the organization has obtained express consent from the individual for longer storage of data.

The organization may keep the data for another 15 days after the expiration of the specified retention period, with the aim of destroying the stored data from all data carriers and servers during this period.

An individual can always request the deletion of data by sending the request to the organization's official email address:

As a rule, our organization does not export personal data to third countries (i.e. outside the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, i.e. EEA) and international organizations.

An exception to the above is the occasional transfer of some technical and personal data to the servers of the above-mentioned processors whose headquarters or servers are located in the USA (e.g. automatic transfer of some data collected by cookies from Alphabet Inc., entry of email addresses into the tool for sending commercial messages, etc.), whereby the contractual processors in question are former members of the "Privacy Shield" program ( and after July 12, 2020 respect and have adopted security measures in connection with the receipt or transfer of data (e.g. standard contractual clauses) or have duly completed and achieved full self-certification in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the appropriate level of protection of personal data in the context of data privacy between the EU and the US (i.e. in the sense of the new framework for the transfer of data between the EU and the US in accordance with the said adequacy decision from 10 July 2023).

A list of all such sub-processors in connection with the WIX service is available (in English) in attachment no. 2 documents at this link:
You can obtain the translated content of the above list as well as more detailed information on categories of users and contractual data processors by sending a request in this regard to the email address:

​3.4. Transfer of personal data to third countries and international organizations and measures to protect transferred data

Users of personal data, in addition to employees of the organization, can also be employees of contractual processors of the organization, who can process personal data as confidential exclusively on behalf of the organization and within the limits of the contract on external processing of personal data that the organization has concluded with each such processor. Contract processors may only process personal data within the framework of the organization's instructions (i.e. the contract), and may not use the data to pursue any personal interests.

The contractual processors with which the organization cooperates are:

  • persons who cooperate with us on the basis of contractual or copyright contracts (IT system maintainers, software code developers, etc.),

  • accountants or accounting services,

the organization will not pass on your personal data to unauthorized third parties.

To obtain a precise list of all contractual subprocessors of the organization, you can write to us at the address

3.3. Contractual processing of personal data

In certain cases prescribed by the applicable legislation, the organization must forward or report your personal data to the competent state authorities, as well as to authorities responsible for, for example, financial, tax or other control (e.g. the Office of the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia, etc.). In certain cases, the organization is also obliged to provide data to third parties, if such an obligation to provide or disclose is imposed on the organization by law or the legal entitlement of a third party.

3.2. State authorities

3.1. Certain employees in the organization

Your personal data is processed by those employees of the organization who need the data to be able to perform their work tasks. All employees are committed to confidentiality and respect for the protection of personal data.

3. Who inside and outside the organization processes your personal data (users of personal data)?

​4. Processing and protection of special types of personal data

​Individuals in connection with our website or services do not direct the transmission of specific personal data (i.e. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical belief or trade union membership, genetic data or biometric data, data related to health or data related to the individual's sex life or sexual orientation).
If the organization becomes aware of the emergence of a situation in which such data would be disclosed to it, it will take care of protection or other appropriate treatment with regard to the received data.

​5. What are your rights regarding your personal data and how can you exercise them?

​Regarding this notice on the processing of personal data, or regarding the processing of your personal data by our organization and our contractual processors, you can contact us at any time and without hesitation via the email address

You can also use the specified address to send your requests and exercise other rights related to personal data and the GDPR regulation.

As a data subject, the GDPR provides you with the opportunity to exercise the following rights with our organization:

Right to be informed: Individuals have the right to be informed about the collection and processing of their personal data.


Right of access: Individuals have the right to access their personal data and obtain information about how the data is processed and a copy of the data itself.


Right to erasure (right to be forgotten): Individuals have the right to request the erasure of their personal data in certain circumstances.


Right to withdraw consent: If the processing of personal data is based on consent, individuals have the right to withdraw their consent at any time without suffering any negative consequences.


Right to rectification: Individuals have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data. If the data has been forwarded to third parties, we will, as far as possible, inform these third parties about the implementation of the correction.


Right to restriction of processing: Individuals have the right to request the restriction of processing of their personal data. This right applies in certain cases, for example, when the accuracy of the data is disputed or the individual has objected to its processing.


Right to data portability: Individuals have the right in certain cases to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. They can also request that their data be transferred to another controller if the processing is based on consent or a contract and if the processing is carried out by automated means.


Right to object: Individuals have the right to object to the processing of their personal data based on legitimate interests or public interest/exercise of public authority. In such cases, we will cease such processing, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons that override the individual's interests, rights and freedoms.


Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling: Individuals have the right not to be subject to exclusively automated decisions, including profiling, that significantly affect them. They also have the right to human intervention, to express their point of view and to complain about such decisions.


The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority: If you believe that the processing of personal data carried out by our organization in relation to you violates the regulations on the protection of personal data, you can file a complaint with a supervisory authority without prejudice to any other (administrative or other) legal remedy , especially in the country in which you have your usual residence, in which your place of work is, or in which the violation allegedly occurred (in Slovenia, this is the Information Commissioner):

Information Commissioner, Dunajska 22, 1000 Ljubljana, email address:, phone: 012309730, website:

A list of other EU supervisory authorities and their contact details is available here:

The processing carried out by our organization does not include automated decision-making and profiling based on your personal data.

6. Obstoj avtomatiziranega sprejemanja odločitev in oblikovanja profilov

​7. Processing of personal data of persons under the age of 15

​Our organization has focused the development and offering of its services on the collection of personal data of persons older than 15 years. In cases where the organization's services are used by a younger person, the organization will, if it becomes aware of such a case, obtain the consent of the parent or guardian of such person.

If the organization itself subsequently finds that the personal data of a person under 15 years of age and their parent or the administrator did not agree to this, will do everything necessary to delete all personal data covered.

To the address you can write to persons or their parents or guardians forward their requests for deletion of the data in question at any time.

Regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact us at any time at the email address:


​8. Who can you contact for additional clarifications regarding the processing of personal data and your rights?

​9. Protection of your personal data

In the organization, we carefully store and protect personal data with organizational, technical and logical-technical procedures and measures, which protect the data from accidental or intentional unauthorized access, destruction, modification or loss, as well as unauthorized disclosure or other form of processing to which you have not expressly consented. agreed.

For this purpose, the organization also adopted appropriate internal processes and established various measures (e.g. assigning, using and changing passwords, locking rooms, offices, and locations of servers and workstations, regularly updating support software and upgrading security-defying components, physical protection of material containing personal data in specially designated places, training of employees, etc.). The organization demands the same security requirements from its contract processors.

​10. Version and date of last update of this notice

​The text of this notice represents version 1.0 of this document. This notice was last updated on 04/02/2024.

MI Elektonika d.o.o.

Image by Vishnu Mohanan

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